It's Britney Week on Idol!
Sanjaya has moved to Cyberia! He thinks the next theme for American Idol might be "Talentless White Trash of the '90s".
Right on cue, Britney "Get This Gorilla Off My Head" Spears tries to offer some advice. "Show your belly button! Wear school girl clothes! Drop your baby on a sidewalk! Er, no... maybe not that last one. They loved me before that."
Jealous of Sanjaya's thick and versatile locks, Britney tries to hypnotize him into going with the cue-ball style for the upcoming show.
Right on cue, Britney "Get This Gorilla Off My Head" Spears tries to offer some advice. "Show your belly button! Wear school girl clothes! Drop your baby on a sidewalk! Er, no... maybe not that last one. They loved me before that."
Jealous of Sanjaya's thick and versatile locks, Britney tries to hypnotize him into going with the cue-ball style for the upcoming show.